BENTLY 90038-01E

數(shù)量(件) 價格
1 30000.00元/件
  • 最小起訂: 1件
  • 發(fā)貨地址: 上海 嘉定區(qū)
  • 發(fā)布日期:2022-12-06
  • 訪問量:194


實名認證 企業(yè)認證
  • 聯(lián)系人:閆經(jīng)理
  • 手機:18717727482
  • 電話:021-60510250
  • 營業(yè)執(zhí)照:已審核 營業(yè)執(zhí)照
  • 經(jīng)營模式: 貿(mào)易公司-私營股份有限公司
  • 所在地區(qū):上海 嘉定區(qū)
  • 家家通積分:0分


BENTLY 90038-01E

BENTLY 81545-014GE will provide one ICL unit for the C?r? La Ronde site near Tours and three units for the Saint Illiers site near Paris. The ICL units will be shipped from GE Oil & Gas facilities in Le Creusot, France at the end of 2010, and will be installed at the project sites in mid-2011.
BENTLY 3300/16-01-02-01-00-00-01
BENTLY 24145-01
BENTLY 14386-03
BENTLY 2789-204
BENTLY 3115-2800
BENTLY 2201/02-02
BENTLY PWA72009-05 PC BOARD PWA7200905
BENTLY 90038-01E
BENTLY 90038-1E
BENTLY 90038-F 9000 EXTENDER CARD 90039-01
BENTLY 164823 English Manual on CD 02-FEB-2007 Rev AG  SEALED
BENTLY 4454-168
Bently 990-05-50-02-00In late 2008, GE Oil & Gas established a new installation record by completing work more than two months ahead of schedule for two of the compression stations involved in the extension of the first West-to-East pipeline. Installations at both the Yanchuan and Dingyuan compressor stations were completed more than 40 percent faster than previous installations on the pipeline.
Bently 3403893-0351
BENTLY 21004-03-80-10-94-01-02
BENTLY 16699-02-05-03
BENTLY 16699-01-05-03
BENTLY 16699-01-05-03
BENTLY 21747-040-00
BENTLY 76684-080-01
BENTLY 330130-040-00-00
BENTLY 14386-03
BENTLY 109549-01
BENTLY 20643-02
BENTLY 24145-01
BENTLY 21128-02-01
BENTLY 81546-01緊湊型ACOPOSmicro驅(qū)動系統(tǒng)可用于驅(qū)動最大650 W的伺服或步進電機.
BENTLY 82364-01 78462-02
BENTLY 6684-040-01
BENTLY 76679-080-01
BENTLY 81544-01 78462-02
BENTLY 81545-01 78599-01
BENTLY 129966-01
BENTLY 83729-01
BENTLY 330900-50-00
BENTLY 330100-50-00

Because the bl adjacent to the longitudinal seam is a prime development site for SCC, data gathered from this area is recorded unfiltered to deliver maximum inbation. A separate set of sensors records wall thickness and identifies girth welds, useful as reference points. Tool b is also tracked by means of odometer wheels and above-ground markers. As with the UltraScan WM, UltraScan CD must be coupled to the work-piece by a liquid medium. In dry pipelines, it can be run in a liquid batch.

BENTLY Proximitor 330100-xx-05
BENTLY 21141-01
BENTLY 125760-01
BENTLY 125768-01


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