性能參數的選擇泵型確定后,揚程和流量是選擇泵規(guī)格大小和是否串聯(lián)的依據。輸送高濃度強磨蝕性渣漿,一般不選用泵轉數nmax(性能曲線中多種轉數的轉數),選擇轉數為3/4nmax左右比較合適。當選定的泵在3/4 nmax時,流量合適而揚程達不到,可采用多臺泵串聯(lián)形式。對于沃曼泵,不同的漿體,流量范圍也要有所限制;對于高濃度強磨蝕的渣漿。2流量應選泵效率對應流量的40—80%范圍內;對于濃度低磨蝕渣漿,流量應選在泵效率對應流量的40%—100%范圍內。一般不選擇在效率對應流量的100%—120%范圍內。
Second, SP liquid slurry pump application Range
Slurry pump is mainly suitable for conveying corrosive, coarse particles, high concentration slag slurry. Widely used in bllurgy, mining, coal, electricity, building materials, environmental protection and other departments.
Third, SP liquid slag slurry pump structure debion
The difference between the slurry pump structure of SPR liquid and the slurry pump under SP liquid is only that the parts of the dipping slag slurry are lined with corrosion-resistant rubber, the parts lined with rubber include shafts, pumps, impellers, protective plates and filters, and the connecting bolts in the lower part of the immersion liquid are equipped with rubber protective sleeves, and the transmission parts and SP pumps
性能參數,過流部件材質,密封型式和傳動方式等幾個主要方面。1, 泵型的選擇離心式渣漿泵的類型很多,應根據漿體的性質不同選擇不同類型的泵,以沃曼泵為例,重量濃度30%以下的低磨蝕渣漿可選用L型泵;高濃度強磨蝕渣漿泵可選用AH型泵;當液面高度變化較大又需侵入液下工作時,應選用SP(SPR),KZJL型泵。當需要高揚程輸送時。選用ZGB型,KZJ型或HH型泵。渣漿泵的合理選型是提高泵的使用壽命的關鍵因素之一。渣漿泵的合理選型包括合理選擇泵型。
SP Liquid slurry pump pump body, impeller guard plate are made of wear-resistant materials. The pump end of the bearing body adopts a double row tapered roller bearing, and the driving end adopts a single row cylindrical roller bearing, which can withstand the maximum axial load of the pump. The bearing body is fitted with a motor seat or motor bracket, which can be driven by a direct or triangle belt drive. The pump should be immersed in the slurry pool to work, the pump body suction inlet with a filter, can prevent large particles into the human pump. Jdhuiquan7.18
Four, the depth of the liquid can be extended pump self-belt liquid depth of about 70cm, according to customer requirements to increase the depth of the liquid, (the price with the addition of a long number of meters and different) please customers and customer service personnel in advance to explain.